Sex Swing Buying Guide: Finding a perfect swing
There are two kinds of swing. The ones that you say you own, but hurt so much you never use them again and those that offer life changing experiences and you use them over and over. Choose wisely.
Tiffany K – Customer Serice Director

Obviously, you want mind-blowing sex. Who doesn't? A sex swing can help you reach amazing orgasms, but only if you get the right one. We focus on comfort and quality here at because we want you deeply satisfied. Anything less and the swing ends up just stuffed under your bed.
Over years of buying, using, and testing sex swings we have learned a lot. Our goal is to help you with all that knowledge and avoid the mistakes we made in finding the perfect one.
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Best Sex Swings
What makes some swings better?
When starting out, you probably do not know what you are looking for, so the obvious draw is the price. Are all swings the same just different prices? Well, that would be the furthest from the truth.
Even the cheapest swings are generally a pretty good chunk of money. So rather than just purchasing something based on the price alone. Let’s take a look at what you truly want when you are buying a swing: Comfort, Safety, and Flexibility. Without these, it will be a one time use and then a waste of money.

(don't worry we don't even sell this- it's crap)
Comfort is the top priority. There are sex swings that people can’t sit in for more than 2 or 3 minutes because of pinching or pressure on their legs, hips, and back. In addition to this, different body types can manage different kinds of swings better than others.
Safety is equally as important as swing comfort. Nothing kills a mood faster than landing on your butt. Sure, accidents can happen in life, but choosing the right swing for you can minimize the risk.
Flexibility equals FUN! The whole goal of a swing is to add some adventure to your sex life. A swing that can be used in more positions has more features and can be installed in more places is going to be a greater benefit to you.
The more you love your sex swing, the more you will use it.
Product Data and Comparing Products
There are a lot of factors that can affect comfort, safety, and usability of a swing. We make choosing easier with detailed specifications and product reviews on every item. We have hand-measured, taken intensive notes, studied, and tried every sex swing available.

If you are looking for comfort and safety, a sling may be best for you. For convenience, quick installation, or travel, a door swing may be what you need.
For adventure, positions, and flexibility, you probably would enjoy a sex swing the most.
The downsides to a sex sling are that they usually cost more, they require you to have 4 mounting points, and they have a fairly limited range of positions compared to how creative you can get in a standard sex swing. With the adjustments, you can make it lay back more like a hammock, or more upright like a chair. Beyond that, they are limited in the range of positions.
A sling is good for long-time use such as BDSM play. And is also popular with people with medical issues such as hip, back or neck problems.
How installation points affect comfort and safety.
In general, the more mounting points required, the more comfortable your swing will be. Slings usually require 4 mounting points, swings only 1 or 2. The reason for this is the width. The wider it is, the more comfortable it will generally be.
A swing with a single mounting point will have a spreader bar to set the width of the straps. This ranges from 35cm wide with the Whipsmart to 81cm wide with the Screamer. When it is wider it will put less pinching or pressure on someone's hips when they are sitting in the swing. This is especially important if you have hips or curves. Very thin girls will not notice a lot of difference in the width but if you have any curves this will make a huge difference in your comfort level.
A dual hook swing can have the width set even further like 90, 102 or 122 cm. This will be a lot more comfortable to those with thick lush hips. It will be listed as variable width compared to a single hook which will have a fixed width.

In addition, having 2 mounting points rather than one will divide the load between 2 points thus making the swing safer. A sling is even safer yet dividing load over 4 points. Of course, you still need to install it right unlike in the Kardashian video. The number of mounting points will be listed on each swing or sling.
Door swings do not technically have any mounting points and their width is set by the width of the door. For safety, it really depends on the door. Make sure the door is solid and strong, and always install the door on the inside face of the door (the side of the door that pulls into the door jam)
See a comparison between a single hook and a dual hook swing. If a single hook is your choice for you, check out our information on sex swing spreader bars and how they affect comfort.

Choosing swings with support
Growing up we all went to the playground and saw those black swings made out of rubber. There was no padding on

Sex Slings are a single piece of fabric and so they are very wide and very comfortable. A door swing, if it has
Sex swings, however, are made from webbing that is usually 5cm wide. This is very small and for comfort, it is close to sitting on the rope in the example above. To compensate for this narrow width seat, padding (the part you'd sit on) is added above the webbing to make it feel better, but not all padding is created equal. Think again of the rope. Imagine if you laid your t-shirt on it or your pillow. Which would help more? Well, the t-shirt is much wider, but it is not firm at all, so it just bends around the rope and you are still sitting essentially on the rope. Very quickly it will dig into your hips and make your legs go numb and start to be uncomfortable.
Swings are the same way. Remember thin padding does very little and firm thick padding does more. Again this is something that plays a bigger impact the more hips you have, but in general, more thick firm padding is better than thin light padding.

Looking at this painful image again, this swing is made using 4.4cm webbing and very weak/thin foam. Notice how it wraps around the webbing and provides no support at all. Like a T-shit on a rope.

The one exception to this rule that says thicker padding is always better is the Screamer. Remember the rubber swing? It had no padding at all and would be pretty comfortable for long use. The Screamer uses a 10cm webbing compared to the normal standard 5cm webbing of most swings and then they apply
So for comfort in the seat a wider strap on the seat is better and firmer foam is better.
Overall, this makes the Screamer with its 10cm webbing and the Whipsmart with its very firm paddinging the clear leaders in the comfort category.
Save your neck. Use your swing longer.
Swings have different features, but for long term use, I consider a headrest a must with all of them for lasting comfort. They are not needed with slings because slings have head support and often the leather slings come with a pillow. The door swing will have the door to rest your head on and you are sitting upright, a much different position than a sex swing.

When it comes to sex swing, however, neck support is a must. If you are looking to buy one for your wife or yourself, get a headrest. It is so important and we feel so strongly in fact that on this site we include a headrest free with all sex swing orders.
If you are not sure if you need a headrest, lay on your bed flat on your back with your head hanging off the edge of the bed. Keep your head level with the floor and do not move for 3 minutes. Then think about your neck, think about your wife's neck when she is trying to get all freaky for you. Yeah, just get the headrest. More about using the headrest on our headrest video

As an added bonus, when you buy any sex swing from you get the headrest included FREE!
Get more sex positions

What you can do with a swing depends a lot on how it was made. Many were made with a spreader bar, remember single point swings above, most of the components and straps are permanently attached to this spreader bar.
This means that straps cannot be removed if they are not needed. Straps cannot be reconfigured for other position options and some accessories cannot be added. If you want to have a wild fun time the ability for a flexible system is pretty important. Some swings such as the Whipsmart and Screamer Twist have removable straps as well as all dual hook swings.
Removable straps are also required for the popular squatting attachments.

The range of adjustment is also very important. Some swings have a limited adjustment range of 46cm while others can adjust over 91cm. For many
Hardware safety and heavy weights.
Hardware and spring are technically more of a personal preference. Most swings hold a lot of weight, but I just like the idea of having metal hardware, plastic can have a low breaking point. I also think metal looks cooler. To me, I prefer metal hardware. Swings like the Screamer, the leather slings, and the TLC bondage just make me feel safer.

A 90kg rated
Additionally, I would always be very suspect if you see a swing claiming to support over 180 to 360kg. As in this is completely false and dangerous. There are too many factors that come into play at these weights including things like the structural integrity of your ceiling or stand or the fact that most of those advertised swings are still using plastic hardware. You will not find these on because we test our products for quality and safety. If
Add spinning to your sex swing

There are a few swings out there that are designed to be spinning swings such as the Trinity 360 and the Screamer
The one thing to remember is that dual hook swings by design can not spin. It makes me sad that I have to even mention this, but we see orders often for a dual hook or a sling and the customer has added swivels. Buying 2 spinning hooks will still not allow a dual hook to spin. If you are confused, just think about it for a second. Think about a swing at a park. If you have a single hook but does not spin or doesn't come with a swivel you can buy a swivel.

Step up the kink with some bondage

If BDSM and bondage are the things for you, there are several bondage swings that can add an exciting dynamic. But just like all sex swings, the elements of comfort, safety and flexibility apply. So I encourage you to visit our Bondage Sex Swings page and learn about the bondage options available and also options for just adding bondage accessories to non bondage sex swings. It is easier than you may think.
Storing and washing your swing
Washing Your Sex Swing
Let's just say, if you are using your sex swing correctly, it will get messy. So cleaning should be a consideration. Those with removable straps are a big plus here. This would include the Screamer, WhipSmart and Wildside swings. More on washing your swing. See above for more info on removable straps.

I know storage does not fall into one of the major categories of comfort, safety, or flexibility, but it is on everyone's mind. The ceiling hook is the most common reason people give when they do not own a swing. It does not have to be that way. I encourage everyone to read the article about 7 ways to mount your sex swing to get over the ceiling hook limitation right away.
But beyond the ceiling hook issue, some of these swings are bulky. The best advice I have for most of them is to hang in on your clothes bar in the back of your closet. The only exception being the Screamer that comes with its own small carrying case. This is another reason the Screamer is very popular among users and partiers.

Installing your swing
Installation is beyond the scope of this article, but when you are doing your research it is very important to consider how you are going to hang your swing. There are many options from Stands to ceiling hooks. All of these and more are covered in our sex swing installation guide.
Your choices for installation will affect which swings you can purchase.

It is a lot easier to do your research and get the right swing for your sex room the first time around. Swings are not that cheap for most people so, get the best one for you and your budget.
Generally speaking, slings are most comfortable but swings have the most positions. More mounting points can lead to increases in safety and comfort. Wider is better for both spreader bars and straps and padding. Removable straps and large adjustment range are good for giving you more options.
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