Fetish Fantasy Door Sex Swing

Fetish Fantasy Door Sex Swing


Door swings are fantastic for quick and stimulating love swing within a few magical minutes and discover new, upgraded positions you have never experienced before!  Great for travel and easy to store away when not in use.

Acrylic tubes for over the top of the open door jam
Make sure the door is closed and locked
Comes with primary strap and stirrups

Frequently Bought Together

Installing a Door Swing +
Price for both: 79,28

Product Specs

Colour: Black
Weight Limit: 90 kg
sex swing weight limit help IMPORTANT:For most situations, use the weight of the heaviest person that will sit in the swing and NOT the combined weight. The reality is that in most cases only one person will be suspended from a sex swing and the other person will have their weight on the floor. Positions that show both people on a swing are rare, good for photos, and if your combined weight exceeds the weight limit of the swing, most likely you will find these positions to clumsy and awkward to be sexy.
Read more on sex swing weight limits here.
Bag: No
Primary Strap: No
Position Count: 4

Expert Thoughts



This compact swing is popular for travel or rental homes. Fits in the door jam of a standard door and stores easy.

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